Every once in a while, the world is presented with a band that creates impressionable music. One that has the chance to change the world – Legally Blynd is that band.
World renowned guitarist and group creator John “Jubu” Smith had a vision to create a band and sound that touches all genres and age groups; one that is soulful, hip, bluesy, jazzy and popular. Teaming up with brother and bassist, Eric “Pik Funk” Smith, Chris Johnson (drummer), Carl Wheeler, (organ), Errol Cooney, (guitar) and a host of top industry musicians, the group is comprised of the best talent in the industry. The artists that comprise the band Legally Blynd have the experience and know-how from years as sound designers, co-creators, producers and soulful contributors to many of music’s biggest artists and songs of the past couple of decades – Legally Blynd is destined for greatness.